Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Unexpected 'Eurikas'~

"Any work of art that can be understood is the product of journalism." - Tristan Tzara

Through out my life I have been thinking about journalists more of attention seekers than anything else. I just saw them as the "annoying fly" that is just pestering throughout the day.  It is amazing how wrong I was. Maybe I was just bias because of all the "craptacular" performance of journalists in Mexico. Sometimes it was just too painful to just sit and read the newspaper.

It was amazing to notice that now a days journalism is not just about "getting the juicy story" out there. Its more about informing the citizens what is out there and what is currently happening around the city/country. It is just amazing how journalists impact the society with just simple words. The way they communicate is more of an art than just a performance. 
When ever I read the news, I feel like the journalist is, more than anything, trying to speak to me face to face. The words just.... get me to a level of understanding. Just the meaning and ways of communication  make a symphony of words through every readers mind. This past few months I have learned that writing is not a dead art, but another method of communication. I have learned that even visual communication has a major impact on the society. Photos and videos play a major role in journalism, it just makes it more.... exciting and fun to work with! 

I think sometimes we should just pause instead of judging because in the end we will just enjoy what we 'hate'! 

Loyally yours,
The Wandering Terrier

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Undestanding the world of Journalists~

So today I sat down and read as much journalistic posts there were in this site. At first the site was a bit confusing to my understanding, yet it didn't impact me as one of those boring Journalistic sites *coughs* BBC News*coughs* Anyways *clears her throat* I loved the way the journalists here speak to you as if you were part of the action, part of the story and keep you in there until the end. In some cases within the story, you just simply... get lost between each word.

So I presumed back into the my goal, trying to gather around as much information I knew back in my journalism classes and try and understand the methods of communication they use. Above all the interesting stories within the site, I chose "How They Did It: Symbolia". One of the reasons I chose this story, was because it was guided to the intent of art and expression of communication through illustrations and comics. "Symbolia is a tablet magazine of illustrated journalism that pairs incendiary reporting with thoughtful illustration and comics. Our goal is to provide an immersive, engaging experience for a new generation of newshounds."

Within the first glance at the story, the "layout" and "format" they applied it just gave me the impact of interest. The esoteric methods they used just impacted the aesthetics of the site! Giving the 'welcoming' intro for any viewer and reader. Another artistic design that I liked, was that they presented the art directors and and featured cast from the site as "special" drawings of them. In this case, in an artistic side, it does give the sense of connection with the reader, making it informal and informative.

Obviously the site is link oriented giving out the references from each part of the site to give the people the direct path of information. There are specific links which will take you to specific spots on the main site, related to the topic they are talking about. Therefore, they take in the topics that a normal reader, like you and me, need to know before giving the big leap into a new site. Its like going to war without weapons or knowing how to use them! Proper recon prevents ambushes!

As always,
Loyally yours!

The Wandering Terrier *barks*